Services are pending and will be announced at a later date.
Service Schedule
Services are pending at this time or no services will be held. If available, please see obituary for more information.
Service Schedule
Services are pending at this time or no services will be held. If available, please see obituary for more information.
Milton Crum says
When Eleanor chaired the Sunshine Committee at Touchmark, it was my privilege and joy to work with her. She expanded the committee’s concern beyond welcoming new residents to enhancing the lives of current residences. Caring about others was intrinsic to Eleanor’s personhood.
Irene Gillies says
While I haven’t seen Ellie since she moved to Montana, I have thought of her often since then, and am very sorry to hear of her passing. As the Library Director in Chatham, Mass. I worked closely with Ellie, first as President of the Friends of the Library, as a Library volunteer, and finally as a member of the Library’s Board of Trustees. She gave me wonderful support, encouragement, and help. I remember her fondly, and I see her legacy daily her at the Library!